Thursday, November 29, 2007

with sickness among us, it has been difficult to get a spanking

i know again it has been a little while since my last post. i have again been riddled with infections of various kinds. Whereas the first two were connected the last one was strep. However in amongst all this yuckiness, Sir and i do have some absolutely wonderful news. After having an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy removed in september, W/we have recently discovered that we are pregnant again! So with that said, the severity of my spankings may or may not lessen with time, as i get bigger. And will keep all of you posted with how W/we (and the little) are doing.

and now for the reason that your here!!!

November 14, 2007
This night we again were toying with our new book. This is also the night that i am certain that our newest little one was concieved *grin*

W/we didn't quite have enough rope to make this look like it was supposed to. But i think it looks great none the less.

This session lasted about an hour. And if you look you can see the stripes of my cane. Which i am hoping Sir will use more of, just because it is biggest infliction of pain, with the lowest impact. He has decided that we will have to shelf His belt, just because the impact is so great. It makes me a little sad to have to say goodbye to His belt for so long. But at the same time there are other things that i can get better aquainted with *grin*

This was one of the very first times that Sir used the new wooden paddle on me. It is quite different than the floppy leather one that Sir usually uses on me. It is not my favorite, but i don't hate it either.

Wednesday November 28, 2007

This night was the hardest Sir has ever spanked me. This session lasted for two hours. Sir started with my cane. i took 30 with Him, and then Sir moved onto Red.

After the 30 that i recieved with The Cane, i slowly started to enter sub-space. Sir usually tries to get me to my "red light" point when He spanks me. But this session, i was so into the place where i go when i am recieving that amount of pain, that i didn't even notice what He was implementing me with, nor did i care.

With this picture, you can sort of see the severity of the spanking. After this session, my skin was very taught, and felt like a sunburn. The little red circle that you see is a pair of my anal beads that Sir loves to insert.

This is my favorite picture this session. You can't really see any Cane lines, because they were all covered with the swats of Red. They seemed to go on what felt like forever. And the only reason i wanted to stop was because i NEEDEED Sir to fuck me. Which he did after i begged him to.

And Sir's favorite shot. i know today i have multiple bruises in certain spots. And it is a bit hard to sit today. Which makes me grin in secret. i have no pictures of that because Sir had to leave early for work to send out his resume for a new job... *crosses fingers*

1 comment:

  1. Hello again dear girl. The Serial Spanker here. You just mentioned the best reason of all to stop the discipline -- well, the ONLY reason ~vweg~. Sometimes a girl just needs to halt the whipping so she can release all that pent-up sexual tension. It just means that you are a very sensual girl. I hope your desire continues to distract you so pleasantly :)
